
As a person who loves to write, I naturally have a steady relationship with words. I love words and I hope words love me back. I hope to create many things with them and one day grow old and settle down with them. Sometimes we have arguments, but mostly, things are going quite well.

What I don’t understand is, why don’t people like some words? A lot of them are understandable like “soggy” or “crust” now those are stinkers. But that’s not what I mean. There is one word in particular that really gets a beating by many a school teacher or editor. I hope you know which word I’m talking about, for it is a famous word. Famous for being bad. I can think of lots of other words that we should disagree with that are much worse than this one. Like “cool” for example. Cool is a crime among words if ever I saw one, I have never used it or seen it used in an effective way other than to agree with a statement e.g. “yeah, cool.” But in no other circumstance should that word be used.

Lets move onto our word in question then. Me and many others think – yes I have asked around – that “nice” is an entirely lovely word which should not suffer the prejudice that it does and I think I can speak for everyone who thinks so when I say that the reason why nice is such an amazing word is that it is one of the few that can fully describe itself. Nice is a nice word. There are no two ways about it. I have never been dealt a more lovely compliment than “You’re so nice”. It’s a wholesome, respectable word that school students should be proud of putting in their essays.

There’s nothing wrong with nice, and if you think so then I shall be compelled to say only the words “cool”, “soggy” and “crust” to you until you agree with me.

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